
Frequently Asked Questions

When are taxes due?

Taxes are due within 30 days of mailing.

What is the actual tax year?

Your annual tax notice covers the period from January 1st to December 31st.

When are the tax notices mailed?

The annual tax notices are mailed in late May.

Can I make monthly payments for my taxes?

Yes. Westlock County offers a Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) by which you pay your taxes in monthly installments by pre-authorized transfer of funds from your bank account, rather than one single payment.

Why am I being charged a penalty when I didn’t receive my tax notice?

Tax Notices are sent to the mailing address recorded at the Alberta Land Titles Office and it is the property owner’s responsibility to keep the Land Titles record accurate. Under the Municipal Government Act, once mailed, the tax notice is considered to have been received within seven days.  Each year, the County advertises in the newspaper, reminding property owners when taxes are due.  It is the responsibility of the property owner to ensure taxes are paid by the due date.  Taxes will be due the last working day of June.

I have owned the property for only a few months, why am I being billed for the full year?

All charges on a tax account become the responsibility of the registered owner of the property.  When you purchase a property, adjustments for taxes are made between the vendor and the purchaser.

Is there a discount for seniors?

There is no discount on taxes for seniors. However, the Seniors Property Tax Deferral Program has been established by the Government of Alberta. The provincial government also has the Alberta Seniors Benefit Program, a monthly income subsidy available to seniors based on income. Seniors – Contact Alberta Supports Contact Centre toll-free at 1-877-644-9992 in Edmonton, or visit the Alberta Health website at for more information on:

  • the Seniors Property Tax Deferral Program
  • the Alberta Seniors Benefit
  • other provincial programs and services for Seniors

My mortgage company pays my taxes, why do I receive a notice?

If your mortgage company is paying your taxes they will receive a copy of your tax notice and you will receive the original notice for your records.  The property tax notice will show the name of your mortgage company and your mortgage number.