Approved 2023 Budget

Approved 2023 Budget

WESTLOCK COUNTY, AB – This week, Council approved a disciplined operational and capital budget for 2023, keeping tax rates competitive while continuing to fund important investments in regional infrastructure. The mill rate increase of 1.01% to residential property will impact the average homeowner by $22 per year. A decrease of 10.7% in the farm mill rate will provide the average farm owner with a reduction of $70 per year per quarter. A decrease of 12.6% in the non-residential mill rate will provide the average non-residential property a reduction of $1800 per year.

“I am proud and confident of the interim budget we passed. It is a bold strategy that announces Westlock County is investment ready, looking toward the future.” Reeve Christine Wiese said. Council’s goal in reducing the non-residential mill rate was achieved by a short term drawn down of reserves with the long-term goal of encouraging and promoting investments in Westlock County’s non-residential property.

Strategic Planning meetings have taken place with the first draft anticipated early in the new year. Council will continue to review service levels to meet the needs and priorities of residents, farmers, and businesses.

Overall, Westlock County’s 2023 Budget contains a municipal tax requirement of $10,934,782 which is $857,081 less than the 2022 budget and represents a 7% decrease in the municipal tax levy requirements. Expenses were reduced overall by 5%, taking into account the rising fuel costs. The balance of the shortfall is funded by reserves.

“The 2023 Budget provides residents with reasonable tax rate adjustments in residential, and a competitive tax rate for farm and non-residential, ensuring that we can maintain service levels for residents and move the County forward by being investment ready” said Westlock County CAO Tony Kulbisky. “Prudent budget decisions ensure the County remains in a strong fiscal position and helps to keep taxes low, now and in the future to encourage and realize growth opportunities.”

Budget 2023 Background:

  • The tax impacts on each taxpayer will be different depending on the assessed property value change for the taxpayer.
  • The proposed mill rate structure will achieve a 5:1 non-residential to residential tax rate as regulated by Municipal Government Act.
  • Tax levy was reduced overall by 7% with the final mill rate to be determined when assessment figures are available in April.
  • The 2023 municipal operating program budget includes $9,680,556 in revenues (other than taxation); $20,614,338 in expenditures; and a municipal tax requirement of $10,933,782.
  • The 2023 municipal capital budget includes $2,552,532 in expenditures, with no municipal tax requirement. Funded by reserves of $924,833, grants of $1,612,699 and sale proceeds of $15,000.
  • The final municipal tax rate for 2023 will be approved in April 2023. Alberta municipal property tax notices include items beyond the municipal requirement reflected in the budget presented to Council, including the seniors’ requisitions, school portion of property taxes, and DIP which the County collects on behalf of the province.

Click to view the 2023 Approved Interim Operating and Capital Budget.

Westlock County is a rural municipality located North of Edmonton. Covering an area of 3,169.66 km2. Westlock County is a community of over 7,000 people and has seen generations of families continue to enjoy country and farm living.

For more information about this advisory, please contact:

Westlock County