General Booking Information
- Check in time 6:00 p.m; Check-out time: 4:00pm
- Quiet time 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. (no barking dogs and no generators)
The maximum stay is for fourteen (14) consecutive nights. Must vacate park for a minimum of fourteen (14) consecutive nights between reservations, lasting longer than 10 nights. Stays of five to thirteen nights, must vacate for a minimum of seven nights. Stays of one to four nights, must vacate for a minimum of three nights.
A maximum of six (6) adults and their dependent children may occupy a campsite.
The fee for a second unit in a campsite will be $26.25/unit/night. All units must be within the campsite. Small tents used as parts of a single-family unit with no additional vehicles are exempt.
Each campsite is allowed two (2) vehicles. Each additional vehicle will be charged a $10.50 per day fee and shall park in designated public parking lots.
No accessory structures or site alterations are permitted on any campsite.
Weekends must be booked as two nights including the Friday and Saturday nights (an email will be sent if booked incorrect or cancel with no refund).
Long Weekends must include the holiday inclusive of the three days (an email will be sent if booked incorrect or cancelled with no refunds.