Municipal Inspection
The municipal inspection of Westlock County; Ministerial Order No. MSL:007/17 was issued February 21, 2017 and interview process by Strategic Steps Inc. was completed April 20, 2017.
Thank you to all that participated.
The municipal inspection of Westlock County; Ministerial Order No. MSL:007/17 was issued February 21, 2017 and interview process by Strategic Steps Inc. was completed April 20, 2017.
Thank you to all that participated.
In May 2005, the New Deal for Cities and Communities (NDCC) between Canada and Alberta was signed to transfer federal gas tax funding to Alberta municipalities. Subsequently, each Alberta municipality was invited to join this program and signed an agreement with the Province of Alberta outlining the requirements and benefits under the program.
As part of the agreement, municipalities were required to develop an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) by 2009. This long-range plan has four dimensions – environmental, cultural, social and economic – to be developed through public consultation and will provide direction to their Multi-Year Capital Infrastructure Plan.