
Weed Control

Noxious Weed Control

 Vegetation Management

Westlock County sprays half the municipality's road allowances annually. Spraying begins as early as June 1st and can continue up to August 31st. There is public notification each year announcing the area to be sprayed. Spot spraying may be conducted in other locations as designated by the Agricultural Fieldman.

Weed Identification Service

Please bring in any suspect weeds for identification - early detection and early eradication are key components to achieve optimum control and prevent small infestations from growing into large problems.

Weed Inspection Program

Westlock County conducts annual weed inspections to control the growth and spread of noxious weeds within the County. Weed inspections begin as early as June with all lands in the County inspected each year. Landowners who have weed infestations are notified and informed of appropriate actions to resolve the issue. The standard time frame for weed control is 7 days.

No Spray Agreements

Any resident who does not want spraying alongside their property, must complete a No Spray Agreement with the County and post the supplied signs. Landowners are then responsible for weed control. This agreement is only in effect for the period of one year. Deadline to complete the agreement is the last business day in May annually. Please call the office at 780-349-3346 and select Agriculture for more information or to obtain an agreement.

 Tansy Incentive Program

What is the Tansy Incentive Program?

A program for rural landowners to control common Tansy on their property. The program covers 50% of approved herbicide and free sprayer rental.

Who qualifies for the Incentive?

The incentive program is available to Westlock County residents. The incentive program is only available to users of approved on-label herbicides registered for Tansy at recognized rates for the control of Tansy.

How do Eligible Land Owners Access the Incentive?

Contact Westlock County agricultural staff and make them aware of the lands intended for herbicide weed control. County staff will inspect area to confirm eligibility of program. Upon completion of the herbicide application process, the appropriate receipts for the approved herbicides are to be forwarded to Westlock County agricultural staff.

 Fenceline Program

To reduce weed pressure along fencelines, Westlock County offers the fenceline weed control program.

  • A Weed Inspector will inspect fencelines for weeds
  • Landowners must sign an agreement prior to work commencing
  • With an agreement signed, fencelines adjacent to County Roads are sprayed free of charge 
  • Fencelines not adjacent to roads are sprayed at a rate of $75 per ½ mile or $75/hr (whichever comes first)
  • Where two owners share a fenceline, both owners must sign an agreement for work to commence
  • Spray area is a maximum width of 5 meters
  • A registered residual herbicide will be used and applied at label rates
  • Spraying will commence on a first come, first served basis

 Restricted Weed Control Program

Westlock County operates a weed inspection program to ensure that the following weeds do not become established within County boundaries.  Westlock County will spray a small area these weeds free of charge, at the Agriculture Fieldman's discretion, for the residents to prevent their establishment. Call the office for details 780-349-3346.