
 Agriculture Services Board

The County’s Agricultural Service Board (ASB) directs the Agriculture Services Department. This board functions as the voice of agriculture by advising and responding to issues of local, provincial and national interest. Through County Council, the ASB and the Agricultural Service department work diligently to carry out the ASB goal of promoting, protecting and enhancing agriculture and rural living in a sustainable manner. The Agricultural Services department is legislated to conduct its activities under the Weed Control Act, the Agricultural Pests Act, the Soil Conservation Act and the Livestock Diseases Act. The department supports the ASB to meet and make recommendations to Council and the Provincial Minister of Agriculture.

Meeting Schedule and Agendas

Meeting Minutes

 Council Compensation Review Committee

The County Council Compensation Review Committee is to be comprised of three (3) members of the public, all of whom must be a County resident and/or a County business owner, and none of whom can be sitting members of Council. Members of the Committee will be appointed by Council in accordance with Westlock County Policy #1900-003 – Board, Committee, Commission Appointments and Committee members shall be compensated as per the County’s Policy #1202-001 – Per Diem and Expense Reimbursement.

Terms of Reference

Application Forms Here

 Westlock Regional Municipal Airport Advisory Board

The mandate of the Westlock Regional Municipal Airport Advisory Board is to assist the County in developing a vision for the future of the airport and to create a plan to bring that vision to reality, while maintaining an appropriate and reasonable level of service for the users of the facility, as determined by the County. The Board will perform its duties in an advisory capacity only and will forward recommendations to the County which will include, but not necessarily be limited to the ongoing maintenance and service levels, operating and capital budget and any potential upgrades or development.

Meeting Schedule and Agendas

Meeting Minutes