
Grow Your Future in Westlock County

Investing in Westlock County

 Take advantage of shovel-ready Industrial Park lots

Westlock County's 100-acre Industrial Park, located off Highway 44, offers competitive market prices and a clean slate for your development. Grow your future alongside a number of high-profile businesses, such as CropMaxx, the Alberta Trappers Association, Emcom Services, Wild Rose REA, and Pentagon.

 Take flight with the Westlock Regional Airport

The Westlock Regional Airport (CES4) is a registered airport owned by The Town of Westlock and Westlock County. The airport is home to the Edmonton Skydive Centre, Snowbird Aviation, the Westlock Flying Club and several aviation businesses.

 Attract investment in Westlock County's beautiful hamlets

Westlock County consists of 1,200 square miles and is situated less than one hour from our Edmonton. At the center of our County are the Town of Westlock and Village of Clyde. Throughout the County are nine hamlets — Busby, Pickardville, Pibroch, Dapp, Jarvie, Fawcett, Vimy, Nestow and Tawatinaw.  The population of Westlock County is just under 8,000 and a regional popultaion of 14,000  within the County borders.

 For investment opportunities, contact:

Tom Koep

Economic Development Manager


Email Tom