
County Council

Westlock County council is divided into seven electoral areas called divisions. Each division has a Councillor that has been elected by citizens within the divisional boundaries. The Reeve  and Deputy Reeve are elected from within Council on an annual basis. Each councillor serves a four-year term.

Governed by the Provincial Municipal Government Act, the Council passes bylaws that provide for, develop and maintain a viable municipality. The primary function of the County Chief Administrative Officer is to act as the principal liaison between Council and Administration and to oversee the staff.


Council Presentations

If you would like to make a presentation to Council or appear as a delegation at one of our Council Meetings, please complete this fillable Council Meeting Delegation Form and submit it by email (to, fax, or in person. Please call 780-307-0527 with any questions.

Council Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. For more information, see the Delegation page of the Council Procedure Bylaw 44-2023.


Council Members

The main roles and responsibilities of your elected officials is to establish the general direction of the County by way of evaluating existing operational programs, establishing and reviewing operational policies and to authorize annual operating and capital budgets.  In addition to these general responsibilities for the County, the elected officials are also appointed to various internal Committees as well as external autonomous organizations.

Sherri Provencal

Jared Stitsen

Ray Marquette

Francis Cloutier

Isaac Skuban

Stuart Fox-Robinson

Christine Wiese