Tax Forms
Property Tax Exemption Application Forms
Property Assessment and Tax notices are mailed by May 30th each year. If you have not received your notice please contact the Tax Department for a copy.
Your taxes are due the last working day of June to accommodate changes in the assessment appeal process.
There is no discount on taxes for seniors. However, the Seniors Property Tax Deferral Program has been established by the Government of Alberta. The provincial government also has the Alberta Seniors Benefit Program, a monthly income subsidy available to seniors based on income. Seniors – Contact Alberta Supports Contact Centre toll-free at 1-877-644-9992 in Edmonton, or visit the Alberta Health website at for more information on:
We are now accepting credit card payments in the office or online through our OptionPay system.
Please note in the event of a postal strike payments are still due and payable as usual for those rate payers unable to travel to the County Administration Office please utilize the electronic options of online or telephone banking.
Westlock County invites any local non-profit organizations to apply for property tax exemption under the Community Organization Property Tax Exemption Regulation (COPTER).
To qualify, the organization must be a registered non-profit and meet the general rules and conditions of the Provincial Tax Exemption Regulations.
Organizations must complete the appropriate application form and include supporting information as requested:
Forms and supporting information must be submitted to the County in full by September 30 annually.
Organizations that have previously applied and qualified for (COPTER) may not be required to reapply as yearly application is waived for a period of three years. However, if any changes occurred regarding the limitations to general rules and permitted use for the property, Westlock County must be informed.