
Property Tax Exemption

Westlock County invites any local non-profit organizations to apply for property tax exemption under the Community Organization Property Tax Exemption Regulation (COPTER).

To qualify, the organization must be a registered non-profit and meet the general rules and conditions of the Provincial Tax Exemption Regulations.

Examples of organizations that may qualify are:

  • Sports and recreation centres
  • Community associations
  • Fair and exhibition centres
  • Arts and museum centres
  • Child care facilities
  • Ethno-cultural facilities
  • Charitable and benevolent organizations (e.g. disaster relief, emergency shelters)

Application Process

Organizations must complete the appropriate application form and include supporting information as requested:

  • Certificate of Incorporation, current confirmation that the organization is registered in good standing and the Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association, if any;
  • Copy of the organization’s most current financial statements
  • Copy of title (if applicable)
  • Copies of the current lease agreement with the property owner (if applicable) and a plan showing the area leased;
  • A letter from the property owner confirming that (if applicable) the property owner is aware of this exemption application and understands Rocky View County will estimate taxes on the area occupied by the organization based on methodology that may be different from that used by the landlord;
  • Any available brochures, newsletters or other pertinent information relative to your organization;
  • Any other information the Assessment Department may, periodically, deem necessary.


Forms and supporting information must be submitted to the County in full by September 30 annually.

Organizations that have previously applied and qualified for (COPTER) may not be required to reapply as yearly application is waived for a period of three years. However, if any changes occurred regarding the limitations to general rules and permitted use for the property, Westlock County must be informed.