Isaac Skuban

Isaac Skuban

Division 5 Councilor

Isaac Skuban is a lifelong resident of Westlock County and has helped farm with his family in Division 5 since he was young.  Isaac grew up home-schooled and will currently be entering his third year of a Political Science – Economics Bachelor of Arts at the University of Alberta as a part time student.

Isaac believes that his job as a Councillor is to be a direct voice for residents in Council.  He is a strong believer in resident’s ideas and input and believes that residents must be heard.  He has served as a volunteer firefighter within Westlock County for 4 years, taught skiing and snowboarding at Tawatinaw Valley Ski Hill growing up and worked as a summer student on the County’s ASB for four years.  Isaac would like to see Westlock County grow and wants to utilize all assets at council’s disposal to make life better for County residents.

Isaac loves working outside, reading up on different religions and philosophies, playing sports, and meeting and talking with people.


Boards and Committees

  • Joint Services (Inter-Municipal)
  • Conex (Alternate)
  • Regional Water Services Commission
  • Subdivision & Development Appeal Board
  • Agricultural Services Board
  • Emergency Management Committee
  • Farm Family Award Committee
  • Regional Economic Development Advisory Committee
  • Westlock Regional Waste Management Commission (Alternate)


