Jared Stitsen
Jared Stitsen is a lifelong resident of Busby and is proud to serve his community as Councillor for Division 2, where he lives with his wife and four children. Jared is a long-time resident of Busby and is actively engaged with the community doing what he can to make a difference.
He serves as the Busby District Fire Chief on the Volunteer Fire Department and has been a member for over 10 years. Jared enjoys working with the public in various projects around the community but in his spare time, he likes to be out door with his friends and family exploring the amazing Alberta backcountry.
He believes that the input and communication from the residents is an important part of a strong and sustainable community and welcomes all open dialogue and innovative ideas working together towards common goals for all of Westlock County.
Boards & Committees
- Joint Services (Inter-Municipal)
- Community Grants Advisory Committee
- Emergency Management Committee
- Family & Community Support Services
- Regional Water Services Commission
- Regional Economic Development Advisory Committee
- Tawatinaw Valley Ski Club Board (Alternate)